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Who are infobrokers?
Infobrokers are specialists, who mediate in research process, and then making different kind of information available for money. They are mainly based on searching information in Internet. We may even say that infobroker is not only the Internet analytic. In research process he uses also other information sources like library, press, archives, bibliographies. Infobrokers are also business information specialists, because thanks to their services all kinds of companies may get value information, i.e. about competition, new markets, products. Their task is research, selection, analysis and at the end making available the most important information according to exactly conditions delivered by customer.

Why is it worth to use infobrokering services of DANLOBinfo?
The basic trumps support with choosing infobrokering services of our office are exactly and full knowledge, which let to reach places where you may find information and skills to value it, choosing the most correct information fulfil the conditions of customers. Co-operation with infobrokers from different countries from European Union and Poland make our work even more effective, thanks to it time to reach the right information is much shorter. In the ocean of information which is the Internet, infobrokers from DANLOBinfo find only the right ones. We guarantee that information put in the reports made by us are high quality. Thanks to infobrokering services our clients may make key decisions for their companies which will contribute to the development of the company, to win over new and cheaper suppliers.
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