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Łobos Daniel DANLOB-INFO
Infobrokering Services

tel. 604-971-231
skype: danlob-info

Open Monday to Saturday 8.00-16.00




Example orders:

1. One of Irish furniture producers has turned to our infobrockers Office if we are able to search at least five polish producers of screw to wood, nuts and washers who will deliver him the exactly ordered commodity to Ireland. Client wanted also that in each of found companies was a person speaking English.
After valueing possibilities of execution of order by our infobrokers, we have contacted with our client and together we have agreed the time of executing order and its price. After a confirmation of a payment we started executing the order. Each address of polish producer was checked and verified. Client got by email a report in English, in which was exactly information about polish producers of wood screws, nuts and washers and also got the details to persons work in these companies who he could talk English with.

2. Mr. Peter by using a question form on our website has sent us a question, in which he wrote, that would like in the nearest future to open a shop with accessories to paintball military game. In connection with this he was searching direct importers such accessories in European Union (to stress that they should be imported from USA, not China), because he wanted to save money and avoid wholesalers who put additional profits. He cared that in the case of possibility, there were countries situated as close to Poland as possible. Mr. Peter wanted also a database including products offered by importers with prices in electronic and printed versions.
Within 24 hours Mr. Peter got the answer from us about his question including free valuation of the order. Mr. Peter quickly agreed for our services and after negotiating some elements of the order, he made a payment to our account. Straight after that we have begun the realization. Within few days Mr. Peter got from our office full report about direct importers of interested accessories with database including products offered by importers with prices. The report in file was sent to Mr. Peter in mail and the printed version was sent by courier. Mr. Peter used our company few times more. We have searched for him a property in Poznań where he could locate his shop and we have searched a company which may quite cheap equip his shop with counters, windows, cabinets.

3. A company from Italy has contacted our office – a producer of women underwear. The company in connection with their development was interested in coming into polish market. In the connection with it they needed few information, which would be helpful for them and let them for the objective value of polish market. The producer wished to deliver first a report about competition and information allowing for acquainting with women underwear market in Poland. On the basis of such information this Italian company could value if its trade offer will be more attractive than others and of it’s worth to build its branch office in Poland.
After agreement the condition of realization the order and decisions of prices for services of our office we have started to prepare the report and colleting all necessary information, which would be helpful for our client and will allow him to make a right decision of starting the investment in Poland. Report about competition was ready within a week. According to client’s wish we have sent it in Italian-language version in email. The report including information about women underwear market in Poland client has got few days later. On the basis of information prepared by us, board of directors of Italian company decided to invest money in Poland and build the branch office in our country. In connection with this our client wrote to us again with asking for information about property in Warszawa, in which company could open his branch office. Services chosen by Italian producer included also making polish language version of producer’s website, carrying out a mailing campaign with companies selected before which let to reach potential counterparts – clothes wholesalers. Preparing a list of polish announcement services and portals type B2B, which let on putting company’s trade offer with information about Italian company. All made services DANLOBinfo client valued very high taking a note on professional attitude to client, regular contact, realization of each service on time.

4. Trade company in Poland absorbing import turned to us with a question, if we could help it to make a contact with coffee producers from South America. Next to take offers from them including prices of coffee with transport costs to the harbour in Gdynia and specifications of coffee, on basis of which polish trade company will value coffee quality and choose the best deliverer. We were ordered to get conditions of a transaction.
After established all details about realization of order we have quick begun the realization. Within a week our client has got dozen of offers from South American coffee producers with specifications. On the basis of that our client has chosen the best deliverer who offers coffee with best quality in attractive price with transport to Poland. Found by DANLOBinfo information has contributed to this, that in some shops you may buy coffee produced by the company we have found for a polish importer.

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